Friday, June 15, 2012

Summer Fridays

Early out workdays means its time for some sun, some deck action, some hubby-time...and a napping baby. Heaven on earth.

P.s. Today's post is linked up with the Summer Fun guru Kacia at Coconut Robot. Join the Summer Friday party!

And for more filtered photo goodness- scroll down to check out the new feature on the right side bar: our instagram feeds! If you're not on the instagram bandwagon (yes, I'm obsessed!), you can still get your fix right here on the blog. Now go make some sunny memories of your own!


  1. Love this! Love the feed. Love instagram. Love summer.

    hash tag summer
    hash tag love
    hash tag instagram

  2. Ha! This is Dustin! Apparently signed in as Courtney.

    hash tag i'm an idiot
