Monday, August 20, 2012

Take it Outside

Saturday was one of those days that was so beautiful, that no matter how tired you are, how many chores you have to do, or what errands you want to run, there seems to be an audible voice ordering you to go outside. We had a to-do list in mind, but when your given a day as perfect as this, there's no arguing- you simply must drop everything and take the baby to the park. Not negotiable. So we scarfed down some lunch, I pushed off my desperately needed nap, and the three of us headed out to enjoy an afternoon stroll.

Miss Pip was excited for her first spin in the new stroller. (we received it before she was even born, but until now we've been using her carseat stroller, or a hand-me-down jogger) I was a little worried about committing to the new ride- but she settled in quickly, and we bumped happily along the park path without an issue.

But as much as she liked her stoller- she was slightly less enthused about the slide:

(P.s. Either she's a monster, or that is the shortest slide in public park history...)

She warmed up once we got to the tic tac toe board though. She's pretty much obsessed with standing, so anything that assists her with that goal is fine in her book.

But soon standing wasn't enough...she wanted to be on the move. And Dustin was all too happy to help her climb like the big kids.

I distracted myself from the imminent danger and certain death by taking pictures. 


Lots of pictures. 

Eventually though, the daredevils tired of defying death, and moved on to more manageable pursuits, crawling around in the plastic tunnels on the lower level.

 And of course it wouldn't be a trip to the park without some swinging, and some snuggling. 

I've got my fingers crossed that Summer has a few more afternoons like this up her sleeve.

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