Monday, January 21, 2013

A Word With You

With so much in my life, I’m fast.

Ok...maybe more impatient...but still fast. I’m a fast talker, a fast eater (except when I’m too busy fast-talking), a relatively fast driver....In general I like get things moving. I like to plan and talk out ideas, but sooner than later, I want to start doing them.

But when it comes to writing. I am slow. Like a turtle, walking up hill, in the snow, carrying a crock pot on its back, kind of slow. If I could invent a cord that would plug into my brain and connect it to my keyboard, I’d be the happiest little tortoise you’ve ever seen. It seems that my brain runs so fast, but getting those zooming thoughts in some sort of order to be able to share is a challenge sometimes. I find that I have to be in a writing “mood”, which doesn’t always align with when I have writing time. If I’m not in the zone (and even sometimes when I am) I end up spending forever trying to organize my thoughts and looking for the right words, phrases, and structure to convey what I’m thinking and feeling. It’s a version of writer’s block, I guess. But it’s not a matter of not having anything to’s that I have SO many ideas and memories I want to share, they get kind of jammed up. Then more often than not, I find myself overwhelmed and frustrated, not knowing where to begin. So I just don’t. I’ll go weeks without writing because with all the ideas swirling, I can’t quite get in gear to just pick one thing and get it done.

What I need, is a goal. A deadline. And some accountability. My blog is for fun, so I don’t have delusions that readers are stopping by constantly, tapping their feet, begging for new content. But I find when I make a commitment to posting something, I am MUCH more likely to actually do it. Fortunately I’m not the only one that struggles with the push-pull of wanting to write, but needing a little help making it happen. So my friend Meg and I have formed an idea to help motivate each other to set aside the excuses, and put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboards.)


Each month we will pick a word to write about and share a story from our lives. Our aim is to make sure we make time to record all the little things that fill our days, that might otherwise go undocumented. By forming a group of people with the same goal,  we’re hoping that it will motivate us to keep at it. If you have a blog (or even if you don't), we would love for you to write with us each month and join in!

Our word for January :: Direction

There are no rules, just write something that ties in with this month's word in some way. On Monday, January 28th, we will share our posts and include a link up so that you can share your post with us too. I'm looking forward to it!

(Feel free to spread “the word” on twitter and instagram: #awordwithyou)

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