Well, try as I might, she refuses to stop growing. So I'll just embrace it- and embrace her. Fin is 8 months now, and she's about 90% total joy, and 10% complete handful. She's so smiley and inquisitive, it's been hard to capture any of her mad faces in her monthly shots, so when she got annoyed during this round, I unapologetically kept snapping. (Tiny, angry T-Rex arms!!)
Fin- I love you when you're happy, I love you when you're sad. I love you when you're squirming out of my arms, I love you when you're yelling for more sweet potatoes. I love you when you pull your sister's jammies (though she might disagree) and I love you when you nuzzle into my neck.
I've loved you every instant of these 8 months. Thanks for being ours.
See past installments of face photoshoots here:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6, 7.
maybe I love number one top left more.... i dunno. she's just so darn cute.