I love them.
So much so that I have created a little tradition around here called Costume Week! (#costumeweekspooktacular for you Instagrammers). I trust you don't have to explain the concept...lets just get to the good stuff.
I'm super excited to share this year's first Trick or Treat ensembles (that's right...first...this was just the warm up round) even though they're actually repeats from last year. Check 'em out...

I mean...Come on. Have you ever seen a cuter trio of nesting dolls? Well...actually...it's hard to get the nesting doll effect when only one of my mini-matryoshkas was cooperative. And even she only managed to wear the hat for a few minutes. Plus, we didn't actually get out of the house for Trick or Treating (I'm pretty sure it was cold and rainy...no shock for October in Pittsburgh) so we only managed to snap a couple pics while we passed out candy. (though we did get a pretty incredible video of a dancing Piper-doll). So I felt like we maybe short changed the world on witnessing this adorable-ness (I'm nothing if not biased). And let's be real, if I'm going to go to the trouble of making us matching costumes, I'm gonna need some decent pictures to show them off.
So 2014 brought us the chance for a redo. We're all a few pounds heavier, but fortunately headscarves and aprons are pretty forgiving, so we suited up for the annual Midnight Madness event in our town's uptown shopping district. But first....some photos:
Worth the redo, right? I mean...Fin is as skeptical as ever, and Piper wouldn't stop showing off her jumping skills...but still...Three Bowdens in one picture, looking mildly not crazy? Total win.
I have learned to set my expectations really low when it comes to things like this. I do love a costume, but I don't like forcing one on an unwilling child (I'd be a pretty terrible pageant mom), so I try to drum up the enthusiasm as much as I can, and then remind myself to let it go if they're just not having it. So I wasn't sure how this would go down, but I was so pleasantly surprised. Piper loved every second of wearing matching outfits, and as long as I let Fin hold on to her doctor's kit, she was a happy girl. (Who am I to say nesting dolls can't have big career dreams?)
Again...Come on. Such cuteness...even if everyone thought we were Red Riding Hoods, or Amish.
We had a ton of fun walking around the uptown district trolling for candy, and watching the endless parade of dog costumes. This was Piper's first time truly Trick or Treating, and she was a champ. She marched right up to every shop owner, and proudly said "Trick or Treating!" (there had perhaps been a slight misunderstanding on the script for the night, but it was too adorable to correct. (oh- she also thought we were "Nesting Dogs" for some reason, which made me chuckle...so again I refused to correct her). Fin clutched a bag of Halloween pretzels like Gollum, and we even got Dustin into the action (wearing a vaguely Russian inspired fur hat and red tee. That's about as festive as he gets). Awesome all around.
We'll be back later this week with some more dress up goodness, but in the meantime, you can check out all our past costumes or follow all the fun via #costumeweekspooktacular
you make me like halloween just a little. love it and the apron fabric is fabulous!