I haven't done one of these posts in a while, but I've been collecting key quips from my little whippersnappers over the Summer. I try to jot down the extra funny/adorable ones whenever they come, and these two little goobers are basically good for a quote every day. And at this point, I should really change the name of the series to include both girls, because Fin is catching up to her sister in the sassy-saying department. Wherever do they get it?!
Pip-speak #1:
Piper: There were lots of friends at soccer. Will, Grace, Teddy...Teddy is not just a stuffed animal. It is also a person.
Pip-speak #2:
Piper {knowing she's not allowed to say "boring" anymore}: Do you know what's...a little less fun than the other things? The letter m.
Pip-speak #3:
Mama {listening to the car stereo}: Isn't this song pretty?
Piper: Yes. I love the voice who sings it.
{later that day...new song}
Piper: I love this song. I can't wait to hear my voice sing it.
Pip-speak #4:
Piper: I can not remember. That is too much for my mind to hold.
Pip-speak #5:
Piper {putting on a pretend theater production}: I'll write your name here to check you into the show.
Mama: Can you write Courtney JoAnn Stegmayer Bowden? That's my name.
Piper: Umm...I'll just put a check.
Pip-speak #6:
Piper: Daddy, who do you think is going to wear diapers first: G'mi, or Papa?
Pip-speak #7:
Piper {from the top bunk, talking down to Fin at bedtime}: Do you want to hear a new song?
Fin: No.
Piper: Well how about I start singing it and you just tell me if you like it.
Pip-speak #8:
Piper {listening to Megan Trainer's song "No."}: She sounds like a bossy lady.
Pip-speak #9:
Piper: Mama, I like Jesus.
Mama: Good, baby, he loves you.
Piper: I love him too. That's why I was looking at the clouds. I saw one that looked like Jesus.
Pip-speak #10:
Piper {seeing Fin pout}: Fin, you better put that lip in or some birdie's gonna come land on it.
Pip-speak #11:
Piper {in the double stroller}: Isn't this the life, Fin? Being pushed around...
Pip-speak #12:
Mama: Piper, did you see that guy? He was trying to run and not get hit with the sprinklers.
Piper: And I bet he didn't have his bathing suit on. I wouldn't like that.
Mama: What? Getting all wet?
Piper: Yeah. Maybe if we could stand on the water like Jesus....
Pip-speak #13:
Piper: Finney, would you like to snuggle with me for nap? This offer will not last forever.
Finnish #1:Mama {listening to complaining while we're out on the boat}: Girls, you're very lucky.
Piper: Why?
Mama: Not everyone has a boat. Not everyone gets to do fun things like this.
Fin: Yeah. They just have to swim with their arms.
Fin: Do you want to hear the song in my mouth? **Hums**
Piper: Fin, that is called humming.
Fin: Well I call it the song in my mouth.
Finnish #3:
Fin {singing the Spider man theme song- after requesting it 85 times in a row in the car}: Spider man, spider man, shoots a web, shoots a wall...Spider man, spider man, shoots a web, eats a snack. Look out! Spider maaaaaaaan.
Finnish #4:
Fin: I got a wotta toys.
Piper: You got water toys?
Fin: No. Wotta toys.
Piper: Water toys?
Fin: No! Wotta!
Piper: Oh. A Lotta toys!
Finnish #5:
Piper: **crying because Fin hit her in the back**
G'mi: Fin, what did you do?
Fin: I hit her and I said "Get a move on, Piper." She was going too slow.
Finnish #6:
Fin: I'm making this apple into a person. I already gave it a long arm and I'm gonna make another arm. {shows off her apple with the skin bitten off in an unrecognizable shape}
Finnish #7:
Fin: Dad!! There is a fly on the table and he's not killed!
Fin {all the time}: Oh my gracious.
Fin {also all the time}: I was just joking you.
Finnish #10:
Piper: Daddy, I don't feel good. My belly hurts.
Daddy: Well when I woke up, and my belly hurt too. But then I had a big toot and I felt better. Sometimes the toots can get stuck in your belly.
Fin: Yeah. The toot fairy come and take the toots away.
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