Friday, September 4, 2009

Play a song for me...

Dustin and I are on vacation for the next week celebrating our 4th wedding anniversary (do not rob our house....we have people watching it while we're gone. Cops, actually. With big dogs. For real.) So while we're gone, I've prepared a little interactive post for you. Now, this one requires two steps: read, and respond. A lot of you are good at the first part....only a few of you have mastered the commenting portion. So this is a chance for everyone to get in on the action- Read on and chime in, consider it an anniversary present to us....

It is no secret that Dustin is not the only love of my life. No...he shares my heart with a force stronger than the two of us. And that is the irresistible ring of a tambourine.

Oh, my love runs deep. And loud. I've had a long history with the tambourine, but the relationship was cemented the night of my bachelorette party (where all good matches are made!). She lured me in with her siren song, and she made me a star. Well...if not a star, then at least a really loud drunk girl rockin' a tiara. Which is close! Then on our 2nd anniversary (a day that I like to think of as a celebration of the three of us), Dustin gave me the only gift suitable to represent the bond we share. I became the proud companion of this sassy young thing:

Not shown: her extreme rock-i-tude.

Two years later, I am still mastering the fine art of tambourine playing, but it is not due to lack of opportunities. You'd be surprised how many occasions call for some tambourine greatness. As I often say (often!), I've never regretted bringing my tambourine, but regretted leaving her at home? Every time.

We've long talked about how my crescent friend needs a moniker. But no name seemed suitable as of yet. So I will follow the lead of one of my favorite blogger inspirations, Whoorl. A while back, she took up guitar, and held a contest to name her 6 string beauty. The winning name: Ramón Alejandro Django. It is truly a quality name, that respects and honors the deep bond between instrument and musician.

And so it falls on you to find that perfect name for my delicate cymbal-ed friend. She is counting on you to put words to her spirit. She is a feisty character, who loves the limelight. But she understands her role as a backup player; her enthusiasm delights without overpowering.

So I urge you to take your responsibility seriously.
Leave your suggestions in the comments section (you know, that big scary part of the blog that only 3 of you have dared to navigate!) And please, don't suggest Tammy. She is better than that. And so are you.

The legendary tambourinist Stevie Nicks says,
"Thank you and good night."


  1. I'm going to have to give this some serious thought! Happy anniversary and enjoy your vacation!
