Ok, I’m probably exaggerating a little, but still- why did no one tell me about CraigsEasy?!?! (probably for the same reason that I hesitated to share....because I want all the good stuff for myself!) In the past, I used Craiglist only if I was looking for a specific item. It was just too hard to search in general. Too many links, too much takes forever. But now.....I can browse around to my heart’s content. Which might be a lot! (to Dustin’s shagrin. Is it the money that bothers him? Or having to meet strangers in dark alleys to exchange goods? Hmmmmmm.)
Here’s our latest Craiglist find- an antique stool from a doctors office.
We’re using it as an end table in the guest bedroom. It’s a little lonely right now, but with a few days of browsing around online, I’m sure I’ll find something to jazz it up. (By the way- we’ve made a lot of progress in this room since we last shared pics, and I’m so excited to share the finished result with you....just as soon as it’s...finished.)
Until then....Happy hunting!
I've heard of it before, but never used it until now. Love it! Thanks!