Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Life Lately- All the "ings"

Now, this is a story all about how my life got flipped-turned upside down. And I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there

Ok, wait….that’s a theme song, not a blog post. 

But the sentiment applies. Life is a bit topsy-turvy lately, since we packed up everything (well, we actually packed up almost nothing…just our clothes and some essentials) and moved to Ohio. Dustin is still in Pitt (you have one last chance to hang out and no last chances to rob our house.) and the girls and I are getting settled into Columbus. Well, as settled as you can get when you’re semi-permanent squatters in someone else’s basement. We move into our new house in less than two weeks, but until then, we’ve been in a bit of limbo, trying to wade through the massive transition that goes with moving, staring a new job, adjusting to a different daycare, and a multitude of other smaller changes. It’s been awesome to be surrounded with family, but we’ve had our share of challenges as well, as we all struggle to adjust to an entirely new life. 

It’s a funky in-between time, halfway between the life we left and the life we’re headed for, and though I haven’t documented it much, I thought it would be fun to record some snippets of what we’re up to these days. (From my point of view anyway…)

Making: trips to see friends' biggest milestones- weddings and babies oh my!
Cooking: nothing. Soaking up one of the perks of moving back in with my parents.
Drinking: these crazy fizzy waters. The grapefruit reminds me of Jamaica
Reading: audio books from the library. Making my commute (and the occasional drive to/from Pittsburgh) productive! (Recent “reads”: Seriously I’m KiddingDavid & GoliathI Feel Bad About My Neck and (don’t judge me) Let Me Tell You Something) 

Wanting: more patience. Or a more obedient daughter. But mostly more patience. 

Looking: for friends in Columbus. Call me. 
Playing: a steady amount of Candy Crush. It might be the thing I miss most when I wean Fin.

Wasting: precious sleep time, staying up to read Divergent.
Wishing: colds were like the chicken pox, so you only had to get them once. 
Enjoying: a coke zero with “soft ice” every day at 3. I’m wild, I know.

Waiting: for the new season of The Bachelorette. (There’s still time to join the pool!)
 trolling Craigslist for furniture deals.
Wondering: how our lives will change in the next few months. New routines, new church, new friends, new hangouts, new patterns….?
Loving: watching sisters and cousins giggle, chase, fight, and play together.

Hoping: we can pack the summer with visits from friends and family (and drinks on the deck). 

Marveling: at Fin’s chubby thighs. They’re almost too good.
Needing: my husband.
Smelling: the old food/dishwasher smell in the office stairway, which reminds me of Work Crew, which reminds me of Jesus. Not a good smell, but a good reminder every morning.

Wearing: my same old clothes, hoping copious amounts of jewelry push me into “slightly professional” territory. 
Following: almost 500 people on Instagram. It’s a little out of control. 
Noticing: how different, and the same, my home town is.
Knowing: we’re making the right choice, even when it’s hard.

Thinking: about what our family will look like in five years. Or ten. Or twenty

Bookmarkingdecorating ideas for the new house.
Opening: up to new people.
Giggling: less than I should.

Feeling: grateful. And exhausted. And excited. And a little sick. And…all the things…

Any “-ings” you want to share? 

Idea via

1 comment :

  1. of course I love this. perfect little snippet of life and as a lover of lists, this just speaks to me. I'll follow suit sometime real soon. love
