I'm not really making resolutions this time around, but even without that part, I'm still pretty into the ceremony that comes with a New Year. It means new wire bound planners (Franklin Covey nerds, holla!), clean sweeps of the house, and the inexplicable sense of hope that this is the year. The year of greatness!
In reality, nothing has really changed much...our routine this week is pretty much the same as it was a week ago, there are just fewer pine needles underfoot. But regardless, the New Year still has a fresh, shiny allure, and I'm all too happy to get sucked into that sense of open possiblities. So let's honor of the start of the year with another Life Lately List (otherwise known as "All the 'Ings"). I'm thinking of it as a time capsule for the beginning of 2015. Here's what we're up to around here, right about now:

Making: some big decisions about Dustin's job. I almost never write about work, and almost never never write about Dustin's job...but he's been home with the kids for the last few months which has been pretty awesome. We knew that wasn't the forever-plan, so I tried not to get too attached to it, and now it's looking like things could be changing sooner than later. (argh! super vague cliffhanger!)
Cooking: nothing. Well...almost nothing. Since Dustin's been home, he's been doing most/all of the cooking. He's also been in charge of the grocery shopping. Did I mention I love having him at home?
Drinking: grapefruit soda. They're 10 for $10 at Kroger and I just can't get enough. I've been buying them pretty much since we moved here, and now our fridge looks like an episode of cribs with our bulk beverage purchases. (Coke Zero in 4 varieties, and a stockpile of pumpkin ale are keeping them company as well).
Reading: (listening) to Sharp Objects, by Gillian Flynn. It was fascinating, and addicting, and utterly horrifying. I could barely get through parts of it, but was just intrigued enough to push through the creepiness. In the end, I'd say I liked it, though part of me is still ick-ed out by some of the details. Pretty sure they won't be adapting this one into a movie (or at least not one I'll go see).
Wanting: the energy to complete the millions (ok...thousands...) of projects I have in mind for the house.
Looking: for a cute pair of low black boots....and failing at it so hard.
Playing: hide and seek with the kids. They're awful at it, but love it SO much. Fin covers her eyes when everyone else does, runs around shrieking with glee, and ends up wedging herself underneath the crib, giggling like a madwoman. When it's Piper's turn to hide, she doesn't even wait for the full count to be over before loudly proclaiming her "hiding" place: "I'm in the bathroom!!" "I'm under this blanket, Daddy!!" And on our turns, we have to hide more-or-less in broad daylight for her to find us. It's terrible, and endlessly hilarious.
Wasting: time watching Netflix. It's like the black hole of my motivation. I come home with big dreams and big goals, and then: Parenthood season 5. Done-zo.
Wishing: Summer would come soon. I hate to wish for time to speed up, but I just miss my backyard, and my neighbors, and the laid back ease that comes with lazy Summer evenings.
Enjoying: family dinner night. Every Thursday my mom cooks a huge meal for our huge family and we eat (and yell, and laugh) together around the huge table. It's pretty much awesome.
Waiting: to plan my birthday party. Well, less waiting, and more...lazing. I'm just not sure we'll do much this year, which I'm strangely ok with. Maybe a nice meal with my husband will be the right way to ring in the big 3-1.
Liking: finally getting some art up on the walls. It's crazy how something simple like that 1: takes forever to actually do, and 2: makes such a difference in how a home feels.
Wondering: if I'll ever get off of my hamster sleep cycle....no matter how hard I try, I just can't go to bed before midnight...but then I'd sleep 'til 9:30 if anyone would let me.
Loving: finding more magical photo memories from Christmas.
Hoping: that this is the year of friendship. We're starting to get to know people more, but still haven't fully established our core circle of go-to BFFs. Good things take time, I suppose.
Marveling: at how much of a kid Piper is. I swear sometimes three is practically five which is almost 10 which might as well be 30. She comes up with the craziest stuff (we're due for another round of Pip-speaks...I've got some choice ones jotted down.) and has me almost convinced that this is my favorite age yet (I say that about pretty much all the ages).
Needing: a new glove. I've only got right-y. (Lefty? Where did you go? I miss you!)
Smelling: a Tobacco & Oak candle that I should have never gotten addicted to (I swear I'm hooked- do they put nicotine in it? or does it just smell that good?) I found it on super clearance at Homegoods and bought it on a whim. Now that I love it, I of course learn they're impossible to find, and go for $20 a pop on ebay. Not sure I like it that much.
Wearing: Layers. It is utterly freezing this week, and has made me want to wear sweaters on top of sweaters with a fur trimmed coat on top. Good thing the kids love their snow pants so much.
Following: my timehop entries. Do you guys have this app? It's the most blatenly self-centered nostalgic machine ever, and I of course, am in love.
Noticing: tiny little moments, shared between sisters. I go on about it all the time to anyone who will listen, but truly, watching my girls play together has to be one of my favorite things on earth (and not just because them playing together means they're bugging me less). I love that they have each other, in all the teeny things, and someday, in all the big things.
Thinking: about making another quilt. I don't need another project in general, and I don't need another quilt specifically, so it's pretty much a terrible idea. BUT- there's just something I love about the process of planning/dreaming about the fabrics and details, and problem solving and learning a new process or method of pulling it all together. Anyone up for another quilt-a-long?
Giggling: at old snapshots of this goober:

Feeling: Grateful for 2014. And excited for 2015.
P.S. See the other 'ings from May, and August.
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All of that and all I can say is I will watch the finale of Parenthood tomorrow night when it airs. I have my box of Kleenex at the ready. Can I say how much I have a love/hate relationship with Monica Potter's character? One episode I love her (really wanted to say "literally love her") and the next episode, she makes me want to tell Adam to get a leash for his woman. (It felt good to get that off my chest.)
ReplyDeleteI'm now wondering if I need to read Sharp Objects.
And if I commented on how cute Piper and Fin look in every single picture, I'd be here all night. I'm officially caught up for the year, though! I read the posts on my phone as you put them up (right away because I can never wait), but I hate commenting via my phone. Sorry for the onslaught!