Friday, May 22, 2015

S'more Life Lately

Friday before a long weekend...That has to be just about the best kind of day there is. I'm so looking forward to three days off. The weather is supposed to be beautiful, we've got the perfect balance of no real obligations + fun plans with friends, we might tackle a few of the to-do's we have and I might even squeeze in some naps. I think it's going to be alllll-riiiiight. 

But before we get to the maxing and relaxing, I wanted to share some of the other "-ing's" we've been up to lately: 

Making: Quilts! I've got 3.5 of 4 panels done...I'm making pretty quick work of them this time around. I have been spending a lot of naptimes, and evenings working on them, but I'm excited that they're coming together pretty well. After the back panel of Fin's is complete, all that's left is finding someone to do the quilting part for me (because there's no way I'm running two twins sized quilts through my regular machine. My crazy has limits). 
Cooking: Pizza waffles. Have you tried these? The girls love to make them, and we all love to eat them. I serve them with broccoli for extra good-mom points. ;)

Drinking: Diet A&W root's so very yum.
Wanting: To put a little Kraken in that root beer. How much longer until that's allowed again?
Reading: Instagram captions. That's about the extent of my reading these days. I'm not even good at keeping up with blogs these days (how very ironic of a blogger.

Though this post by my friend Kristi still cracks me up.
So I gave her my #astoundedbylife emoji impression.

Looking: For a good name for baby #3. I thought boys' names were easier, but it turns out I only thought that because I didn't actually have to pick one. Any suggestions?
Playing: Outside again, yay! The girls are loving the water table, and their new swingset. I'm so excited for long sunny evenings spent out on the deck.

Wasting: Precious sleep time watching silly TV or perusing social media. Go to bed, Courtney! (I'll never learn...)

Wishing: I had more patience. Or more energy. Actually...both. I know when I'm worn out (which is often) I get a lot snappier with my family, and I hate that. But it would also be so nice if two little ladies maybe learned to do things the first time I ask, vs the seventieth. Or maybe I'd settle for just the third time?
Enjoying: Getting cute picture messages from my mom when she watches the kids. I know it's hard work for her to take care of them two days a week, but I just love that they have time together. The girls love her so much you can't even believe it, and I'm constantly amazed (and inspired and blessed) by how well she loves them. 

Waiting: For festival season to begin. I'm already excited about food trucks and hot air balloons- but they're not until August- so we'll have to line up some delicious summer fun soon.
Liking: Carpooling to work with Dustin. It's a solid half hour each way (at least) so we get some good quality chats in. A rare treat that I should always remember to be thankful for, when two kids tend to monopolize our attention at home.
Wondering: How our girls are going to do with sharing a room. I'm not exactly sure how we'll handle the transition. Piper might have the new room to herself for a little while, but I'd like to move Fin before the baby comes so she doesn't think her brother kicked her out. 

Loving: How curly Fin's hair is. I'm obsessed. And jealous.
Hoping: We get to go on a vacation without the kids before this baby comes. Come September, we're going to be in it real deep (again, some more), so one last relaxing hurrah would be awe-some.
Marveling: That there's an actual, real live person inside of me. He's wiggling around constantly, which is funny and strange, and just downright marvelous when you really think about it.
Needing: Naps. Every day preferably, but alas, it is not meant to be.

Smelling: Grass clippings, firepits, suntan lotion....the very first smells of Summer. So excited.
Wearing: Anything that fits. I got bigger faster this time around (and let's be real...also just bigger, regardless of speed), so I'm finding my options a bit more limited than I remember with the girls. I'm trying not to dwell on it, but I don't exactly look forward to getting dressed every morning.
Following: The Bachelorette. Yep, it's time for another season, and another betting pool. It's not even really optional at this point (as if I object...)
Noticing: How many more words Fin has these days. She's talking up a storm- even if we can only understand half of it at times. It's so crazy to watch her turn into a little human all her own...I'm excited to hear all of the crazy things she has to share with us as she gets bigger. 

Knowing: I have the best husband ever. It's a really good feeling to know that. :)
Thinking: about getting Piper's haircut. I've done it myself a couple times, but my skills are limited, so I think she might be due for a professional trim. It's long and shaggy (and so tragically thin, sorry about that, Pips!) but she almost never wants ponytails, so right now it's just straggly and in her face all the time. I'm thinking a nice short bob for the summer might be perfect.

Bookmarking: Nothing. I haven't even tried to read a book in months. Sorry book club!
Opening: At first I thought this said "ogling". I know this is my list, so I should be familiar with the words (or, you know, at least be able to read), but I thought that was such a funny prompt. I haven't really been ogling much lately...except maybe some donuts. 
Giggling: at Fashiondads. Kills me.
Feeling: Different from moment to moment, but trying to move through the overwhelmed times and dwell in the grateful times.

P.S. Our last round of -ing things, and some from a while back.

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1 comment :

  1. So fun! Thanks for linking up! That hair is absolutely adorable!!!!!
