Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Silly Rabbits

On Saturday, the kids were greeted with a post-nap surprise: The Easter Bunny had visited!

Turns out that clever little rabbit knew that Sunday was going to be a little hectic, so he popped in early to drop off some treats. There were toys, snacks and candy for the kiddos, but nestled in the baskets was a little gift for mama too: matching bunny jammies! (The bunny's no dummy...stashing some Gap clearance rack goodies from last year) Sure, they were technically for the kids, but the photo-op they lead to? That was for me.

So post-bath, our little thumpers suited up, and I attempted to bribe them into taking one decent sister picture. Fin flat out refused to participate, so Piper volunteered to go first, to try to convince her to join. I plopped her on the bed, asking her to wear some ears, and give me a smile.  Instead...she gave me...well...this:
I have no idea what came over her. She's typically pretty silly, especially for pictures, so that wasn't a shock, but the full out commitment just about slayed me. She was a little rodent Zoolander, striking pose after pose. She hit each one hard, waiting to hear my shutter snap before moving on. I just kept clicking (and giggling) and Dustin shot a video to capture the madness. Fin immediately changed her tune, and wanted in on the action, so naturally Piper coached her: "Put your leg up! Now put your hands up!" Witness:
Silly Rabbits from Courtney Bowden on Vimeo.

We finally managed to get them both in the frame, but the silliness was far from over (despite additional bribes, and eventually even some "no bedtime books" threats). They were taking no instruction from me, preferring to direct the action themselves:

I had a vision for what I wanted, and it didn't end up like I pictured...

It turned out way better. 

Watching the two of these wild hares together is one of my greatest joys. It's just pure love, pure silliness...pure sisterhood. Sometimes when they're goofing off (or bickering, or goofing off and bickering) I step away, picturing them as grown ups; road tripping in college, giving toasts at each other's weddings, or squabbling as old ladies, and I'm overwhelmed by the messy perfection of it all.

I love these bunnies, and all of their spunky, sassy, sweetness. I'm so grateful to have each of them...but also both of them. I'm a pretty lucky rabbit.
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