For all things house related, take a peek at the archives- especially the tags Homestead, or Decor.
And check out #houseofbowden on Instagram for more home related pics.
Our Current Home (April 2020- Present):
Working on some blog posts...someday...For now Instagram is the best we got!
Instagram TV tours & Story Highlights
Our Columbus Home (May 2014- March 2020):
We moved back to Ohio for a new adventure, trying Suburban Living on for size (less character maybe, but more bathrooms!) Our new-to-us house was actually pretty new: 2002, and we enjoyed the slow but steady process of making it our own.
Video Tours:
Moving Day TourAll moved in
4 Month (ish) Update
A year + later
March 2017 (foster care update)
November 2018 (Basement makeover)
Photo Tours:
First Floor- Before & "After"
Miller's Nursery:

Guest Room:

Our Pittsburgh Home (2008-2014):
Our beautiful house from 1920. It had its fair share of quirks and challenges, but was so charming we loved it in spite of any of the messes.
Our friendships have grown here.Video Tours:
Our marriage has been strengthened here.
Our ministry has blossomed here.
Our family has formed here.
Our home has been more than a house. It's been a blessing in our lives
- adapted from our first House-iversary post.
Closing Day
Our First Tour
Five+ Years later
Master Bedroom:
Guest Bedroom:
Courtney's "Dressing room":
Three Seasons Room:
Full post may or may not ever happen. But I promise the end result was beautiful!
Here is a glimpse of the process:
The nursery and Courtney's dressing room look amazingly similar! Just sayin....