Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Costume Week: Barnyard Stall

It's finally here! The dramatic culmination of the epic event known as Costume Week! And in a related story- It's Halloween!

I want to blow your mind with costumed-awesomeness for our final day...And Piper does have a killer outfit planned for today, but getting quality (i.e. non-blurry) pictures of it is hard enough. Real-time blogging it is impossible. So until I can give her Official Halloween Costume the Official Blog Spotlight it deserves, I'll attempt to hold you over with some non-sanctioned, non-costume pics.

"Hold up: You're posting this?!"

Truth be told, this isn't really costume at all. Those are just your standard, run of the mill, duck-foot jammies. (Which double as completely appropriate day-care attire). And the layer of lambswool? Is a hand me down coat from my nephew (who is now four, and allowed to wear boys' clothes). I didn't plan to dress her like dueling OldMcDonald verses...but when fate steps in like this, I just get out of the way. (well...I actually I get out my camera...then get out of the way). 

"Alright, if you least let me compose myself."

You may have noticed that while the coat is beyond adorable, it's not exactly the best fit for our little lamb. You see...Piper has what we affectionately call a Giant, Sputnick, Orange on a Toothipick, Cry Herself to Sleep on her Huge Pill-a, head. I mean, I love her, but she's got T-Rex syndrome: big head, tiny arms. Well, actually big head, tiny body. And her beloved (by me) sheep jacket? It's sort of the opposite, with an itsy-bitsy head hole, and boxy boy with ample arms. But should a little detail like fit stop me from decking her out like the supporting cast of Babe? I think after a week of costumed shenanigans, we can all comfortably say, "Heck, no."

"Later mom. I'm off to find a real costume."

See ya soon!


  1. Oh shut up, there's a tail on that coat! Beyond adorable!

  2. I'm a sucker for baby clothes that feature ears on the hood. LOVE.THEM. love love love them.
    "decking her out like the supporting cast of Babe"- best line (and I love that movie, I mean, a talking adorable pig? c'mon!)

    1. Agree. I think all outfits should have ears! Even mine!

  3. Piper is adorable! I love that coat!

  4. Super cute! Love the crawling away picture with the little tail. Adorable. Is that a copy of Gone Girl on the steps? I know how could I be distracted from all the animal eared cuteness to see a book, but now I have to know which one it is.

    1. You are an eagle eye! (or have an eagle eye? Who knows...) It's Gone Girl that I borrowed from Jen and never even cracked open. But its by the steps....just in case....

  5. No! I demand to see her in her costume NOW! I've been waiting all week for this! Give the people what they want! (sometimes I pretend like no one else can read my comments) How angry do I sound?

    1. I pretty much pretend like I'm writing posts only to you, so it works out....You do sound angry though. I'm going to have to get my act together pretty quick! The people are growing restless!!!!
