It's time for Round 5 of The One Room Challenge!
(Catch up here: Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4)
Week 5?! That means we're over halfway through this challenge! But alas...I'm not sure we're halfway through the work. Honestly, we're more or less in the same place we've been since the jump- the details are all done and ready to be shared, while the two major projects remain.
But at least this week I do have a true progress update- the vanity is in the works!
When it comes to the main fixtures in this bathroom, we're working with what we've got, so the existing vanity will stay- it's just getting a fresh coat of paint. We chose a deep green: Behr Dark Everglade, in a semi-gloss finish. It's a pretty straightforward project, it's really just a matter of finding the time to make it happen. But now that school's out for the Summer, Dustin and I get to remove our "teacher" hats, so we're feeling absolutely FLUSH with free time (I kid. We somehow still have just as much to do as ever...time is slippery that way). The good news is- this challenge is doing exactly what it was designed to do, providing some motivation and accountability to keep things moving. And I've been doing exactly what I was designed to do: nagging Dustin to make (more of) my dreams happen. So he has been escaping to the basement/"workshop" now and then over the last few weeks to appease my arbitrary timeline anxiety.
I'm always nervous about choosing a paint color. I'm incredibly picky about color, and super sensitive to undertones etc. I've pretty much never loved something on the first try, so at this point I've just come to terms with it. I figure with something like this, we can always consider the first round a primer, and try something different on top.
But fortunately- I'm really loving how this is turning out. It's a bit hard to tell because it's still in the beginning stages (ignore the streaks and uneven coverage) but I think it's going to look really rich and pretty when it's done.
But just for a moment- let's keep it real, by showing you the current view. Based on the number of toothbrushes strewn about at any given time, you'd assume we were running a sorority house, but nope...this is just the trail left behind by two elementary school girls.
I can't very well end on that note, so let me give you a little sneak peek of what's to come....(A future blog post I will try very hard not to title: Stop! Handle Time.)
Any other challenge participants moving at a snail's pace?
Any other decorators chronically doubt their color choices?
Any other moms feel completely overrun by bathroom clutter?
I see you. I feel you. I salute you.
Until next week, DIY warriors!
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